Discover Nicolas Le Gall with his Chinese portrait

Discover Aqsone members through personal stories. Dive in the world of Nicolas, Data Scientist, and explore his aspirations, worldview and impact within the Aqsone team. »

Nicolas Le Gall Profile Picture
Nicolas Le Gall Data Scientist

What is your greatest personal accomplishment?


Having managed to successfully complete my studies, my early career as well as my rugby career.

 If you were a season?

Summer without any hesitation. I love the sun, the heat and spending time with my sweetheart or my friends by a swimming pool.



What does success mean to you?

Look at how far you’ve come and be proud of it!

Do you have a favorite quote?

Courage is not the absence of fear, but the ability to overcome what scares you. Nelson Mandela

What is your ideal vacation?

On the beach by the ocean, sunglasses on your nose and cap on your head.


If Hollywood made a movie about your life, who would you like to see in your role?

For the hair resemblance I would say Jason Statham or Vin Diesel ahaha! Otherwise, Ryan Gosling, Vincent Cassel or Samuel L. Jackson


What does a typical day at work look like and what projects are you currently working on?

Even though each day is different because the topics covered are different, the organization remains generally the same. It often begins with a series of meetings, including a meeting with the development team (Aqsone + client) to discuss the topics to be covered and the priorities to be established.

Then, another meeting is reserved exclusively for the Aqsone team to ensure the smooth running of operations and assess possible risks.


The rest of the day is mainly devoted to developing new solutions or interacting with the client and/or my manager.


In three words, how would you describe your role?

My current role is Mission Manager. Summarizing this in three words is not an easy task but I would say: 

  • Leader, for responsibility for the proper conduct of the mission
  • Relay, for management 
  • Data, for my daily activities

What is your fondest professional memory at Aqsone?

There have been many positive moments at Aqsone, whether directly linked to my activity as a data scientist or to moments of life such as during the Winter or Summer Event.


But if I had to remember just one, I would say my first annual interview. Firstly, it was the first annual interview of my entire life and then it was at that moment that I felt all the confidence that Aqsone could have in me after my first year and it was very rewarding.

What do you look for in your colleagues?

Integrity, honesty and trust. 

In my colleagues, I look above all for human values because I am convinced that this is essential to successfully carrying out projects.


If you were a dish

A dish to share of course, but as I said previously I love summer. So I'm going to go with a piece of beef (rib, T-bone, tomahawk, etc.) cooked on the barbecue. For the accompaniment I would go with either new potatoes or small fries. Of course, a few little sauces – béarnaise, pepper sauce, etc. – made at home to accompany it all. And finally a beautiful bottle of wine to enhance it all, surely a wine from the Rhône valley with Syrah as the main grape variety.

If you were a dessert

The cake my mother made for my birthday: a homemade Breton palet, a layer of mascarpone with vanilla and an assortment of fresh fruits nicely arranged (the advantage of being born in June).

If you were a sport

Football without hesitation!

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