Aqsone Lab

Exceeding the state of the art in the field of AI

The Aqsone R&D laboratory

20% dedicated time

for our teams to participate in Lab activities.

Partner R&D laboratories

to support fundamental research results in the industrial world.


propose solutions independent of architectures and platforms.

Aqsone Lab



We let's explore all the interesting technologies which could strengthen our knowledge base. We follow a iterative process to select those to incubate in a project.

Technology watch


We carry out a continuous technological monitoring to identify the advanced technologies and new use cases.




3 reasons to start an incubation project:

  • Complete our expertise and participate in professional projects
  • Initiate a response to a customer need
  • Unblock use cases impossible to address with the state of the art


We let's capitalize our knowledge and develop technological solutions (API, packages) which are quickly reusable in the context of any client and which allowincrease ROI.

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