Transform your Purchasing & Supply Chain your Quality Control your Manufacturing your Maintenance your Human Resources your Customers and Sales your Security and Fraud your Sustainable Development |

Thanks to Artificial Intelligence

For the well-being of Nature and Humanity

Our areas of expertise

Our team has acquired unique expertise in very specific areas, and in numerous sectors of activity such as Aeronautics and Space, Energy, Distribution, Health, etc.


AI for Purchasing: Operational efficiency and advanced strategic decisions.

Supply Chain

Optimize every step of your supply chain with AI for proactive inventory management, smooth logistics, and reduced delivery times.


Improve efficiency, reduce costs and anticipate outages with predictive analytics and intelligent automation.


Strengthen your CSR initiatives by enabling better resource management, reducing carbon footprint, and accurately tracking your social commitments.

Human ressources

Optimize your HR with AI: recruitment, team management & forecasting, for informed decisions.


Skillful data utilization will enhance the strategic decision-making of your company.

Our clients

We address your strategic challenges by exploiting your data and delivering tangible results.

Our Data expertise

Aqsone offers end-to-end support, to help large and medium-sized
organizations to organize, exploit and promote their data assets.

Data Solutions

Exploit the potential of your data by developing valuable solutions.

Data Governance

Establish an effective organization and processes for managing your data.

Data Architecture

Design and deploy an architecture to manage and use your data.

Customer testimonials

Our customers speak best about our data, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence services.

Do you have issues around the valorization of your data?
Let's talk about it !