Retain your talents by identifying those who are at risk of leaving you
The war for talent on the job market is particularly weakening large groups. Unanticipated departures of employees can have serious consequences on team performance and, ultimately, on the company as a whole: production delay, work overload, loss of knowledge, loss of motivation, etc. Especially since they are most often very difficult to predict.
Our innovative and adapted solution allows the Human Resources Department to predict the risk of departure for each employee, according to their profile. This application makes it possible to detect the warning signs and to highlight the risk factors for each of the employees. This makes it possible to implement targeted loyalty actions (training, promotion, salary increase, etc.) before it is too late. Based on the HR data from your various ERP and HRIS, we develop a powerful Artificial Intelligence (Machine Learning) solution, easily usable, which allows you to focus on your talents at risk.
characteristics to describe each collaborator
employees at identified risks
reduction in the number of departures on average