Implement an AI solution

Identify, experiment and deploy valuable use cases with a guided process

You have not identified any use cases

AI Audit

The AI audit offer is led by an expert consultant specialized in your industry. This workshop fosters collaboration through various ideation exercises aimed at identifying AI-solvable use cases focused on enhancing performance. The process guides your team in pinpointing areas where AI can bring significant value, aligning technology solutions with your business objectives.
You have identified a use case


A PoC (Proof of Concept) involves developing a prototype to assess the relevance of the previously identified use case within a limited scope, and thereby validate the benefits of the solution.
You confirmed the value of the use case


Once the value and ROI (return on investment) of the PoC have been validated, we deploy the solution across your business. We then monitor the performance to ensure its sustainability.

The Proof of Concept approach

This phase, lasting a maximum of three months, aims to develop a functional prototype, on a limited scope, and to measure the value generated for your business.


Conduct an analysis of the state of the art

We are undertaking an in-depth analysis of the state of the art to inform the design of AI solutions, taking advantage of the latest technological advances.

Retrieve and clean available data

In this crucial phase, we develop tailor-made AI models, combining advanced algorithms and relevant data, to make your innovative ideas a reality.

Building Artificial Intelligence Models

We support you in the deployment of the plans defined above in order to ensure as much as possible the achievement of the objectives. Our tools and documents, improved over the course of our previous experiences, ensure the success of this project.

Calculate the return on investment of the solution

We assess the potential financial gains of AI solutions in relation to implementation costs, thus demonstrating economic value and strategic impact.

Our Data and AI expertise

Our expert teams know how to select the best Data approaches to solve your problem, regardless of the type of data at their disposal.

Generative AIs

Generative AIs create a variety of realistic content such as texts (LLM), images, music, offering new creative perspectives and practical applications.

Machine Learning

Machine learning makes it possible to anticipate, classify, optimize or automate complex tasks by exploiting past data.

Natural Language Processing

Extracting value from a series of texts through statistical and semantic analysis using Natural Language Processing (NLP).

Optimization & Reinforcement

Optimize how resources are used to create as much value as possible

Time Series

Analyze and exploit time series data, identify trends, predict future developments.

Computer Vision

Automatically classify images or detect objects in a video using Deep Learning.

The technologies

The technologies used by Aqsone have been rigorously evaluated and make it possible to create efficient AI solutions.

Examples of AI solutions

Here are some examples of AI solution cases developed for our customers in various sectors of activity such as Aeronautics and Space, Energy, Distribution, Health...


Supply Chain

Anticipation of delivery delays

Secure your Supply Chain by targeting your risky supplier orders
Learn more

Human Resources

Anticipating Attrition

Retain your talents by identifying those who are at risk of leaving you
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Predicting the target cost of a product

Accelerate your time to market by controlling your production costs
Learn more

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