
Generative AIs make it possible to increase efficiency dramatically. Nonetheless, the ability to write an effective prompt is crucial. A well-formulated prompt can be the key to getting relevant, creative, and accurate results from these AI models. It directly influences the quality of the output generated.

At the end of this training, you will know:

  • Explain what generative AI and LLMs are
  • Use Prompt Engineering techniques to improve the use of ChatGPT or other LLMs
  • What are the main use cases of this technology


maximum number of people

4 hours

of training courses


as the main language


There are no prerequisites for specific knowledge about generative AI. For the application case it is necessary to be able to have access to the free version of ChatGPT.

Target audience

Anyone who may need to use ChatGPT or other LLMs as part of their job in order to improve the efficiency of their daily tasks.

Educational resources

The training alternates between theoretical contributions and participatory sessions with illustration by an application case.

Instructor profiles

Optimiser la façon d’utiliser les ressources pour créer le plus de valeur possible.

Training program

What is Prompt Engineering?

  1. What is a prompt?
  2. What is Prompt Engineering?
  3. Why should we use Prompt Engineering?

Understanding LLMs?

  1. What is an LLM?
  2. How do LLMs work?
  3. What are they capable of?
  4. What are their limits?

Basic prompting techniques

  1. The elements of a good prompt
  2. Roleplay
  3. Zero-shot/Few-shot
  4. Chain-of-Thought

Case studies and see further

  1. Examples of prompts
  2. Try-it-yourself
  3. Use cases
  4. To go further

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