
Images are a source of multiple information and can be used to respond to many business problems.

This Python Artificial Intelligence course will allow you to perform data analyses using machine learning. You will learn how to transform an image and extract information from it.

At the end of the training, you will know:

  • What are the key steps in creating a Computer Vision model
  • How to apply each step
  • Generate training data by avoiding bias


maximum number of people

3 days

of training courses


as the main language


Python language practice.

Target audience

Python developers who want to master the main machine learning and image processing devices.

Educational resources

The training alternates between theoretical and practical contributions. In order to bring out as many questions as possible, the final implementation includes simplified development sessions, supervised by a data scientist who is an expert in the subject.

Instructor profiles

Optimiser la façon d’utiliser les ressources pour créer le plus de valeur possible.

Training program

Introduction and reminder

  1. Introduction to Data Science and Machine Learning
  2. Reminder: Python, the basics
  3. Discovery of labeled image libraries

The fundamentals of Computer Vision

  1. Labelled image libraries
    • Biases to avoid
    • Training data generation
  2. The main steps in creating a Computer Vision model
  3. Discovery of some Python image processing libraries
  4. Presentation of various Computer Vision libraries and technologies

Putting it into practice

  1. Training a Computer Vision algorithm
  2. Evaluating the performance of a Computer Vision algorithm
  3. Feature engineering: pre-processing and data augmentation

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